We ended up in Point for lunch today, and ate at a newer italian place that was pretty good. After that we stopped at the local Honda dealer to take another look at some Odysseys because Abe’s brother is shopping for them. We’ve seen and sat in them plenty of times already, but it’s such a great vehicle. The middle row makes me think of a very small private jet, where you get in, zone out, wake up, and you’re at your destination.

I also drove the new Civic (EX Sedan), and it’s really pretty neat. It was an automatic, of course, but overall it’s a really nice car. It wasn’t the fastest thing on four wheels (Abe’s Accord definitely has more pickup), but 140 hp works fine for what it is. The car we drove listed at $19,000, so if I were to seriously pursue one I could see either saving a little cash and getting an EX with a stick or spending a little more and getting the Si. I really liked the two-tier dash; it reminds me a bit of an S2000 with the digital-only speedometer. I wouldn’t mind a different color for the gauges though; I’m not a huge fan of blue & red illumination. The Si remedies this with red and white, which I find more favorable.

Then, as if this weren’t enough to fill up a day and make the title of the post make sense (because it really doesn’t), we saw Panic Room Flightplan with Jodie Foster. Go see it, it’s nice.