There is no strict legal difference between a lease and a lease. There is no legal obligation for a lessor to provide you with a lease agreement (also known as a fixed-term contract or contract), nor is there an obligation for you to sign a lease if you do not want to. It is important to note that you have legal rights under the Residential Tenancies Act 2004 and the Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Act 2015. This is perfect for tenants who wish to stay in a given house for a certain period of time, with the option to automatically renew their lease at the end of their rental term if they choose to do so. This helps tenants plan ahead and can live comfortably because they know that at the end of their tenancy, they don`t have to find a new home. Here`s an overview of the tenancy signing process, including who should sign the lease, who signs the lease first, who receives a copy of the lease, and who you can contact if you have questions about the lease. For a lease to be valid, both parties must sign the contract. Depending on the laws of your state, when a manager represents an owner, the owner may or may not be mentioned in the rental agreement. If you want the option for your lease to automatically renew at the end of the life, you need to make sure this is included before signing a lease. It`s good to know that from the beginning.

It will be very difficult to end your lease prematurely, and trying to do so could cause you and your landlord a lot of headaches and frustration, and will cost you dearly if you need the help of a legal team to help you terminate your lease prematurely. If you sign a lease, it cannot deprive you of your rights under the Equal Status Acts 2004-2015 and the terms of the lease cannot be changed during the rental period unless you and your landlord agree at that time. Hello Migdalia, unless you signed a new lease before the expiry of the old one, you now have a monthly agreement until the new lease is signed by both parties. I highly recommend that you contact your landlord as soon as possible to find out why there was a delay in depositing the check and processing the new lease.