Suffice it to say this week has been a fairly busy one for me. I’ve had a lot going on at work, not that that’s a bad thing. I called about two cars this week but both were sold by the time I’d called.

Speaking of cars and the people who buy them, ABE has aquired a van. It’s a Ford E250, nothing fancy. Solid white with no windows, and he’ll use it to transport sound things. I’m thinking we’ll be talking to a friend of ours who does vinyl stuff for perhaps some graphics to put on it.

That leaves you wondering what will become of the Element, probably. Well, it’s getting ebay’ed. Soon. Which means he’ll be needing another car, which at this point is looking like an Accord. Yes, because we need another one. That will be an Accord for each of us, although my current used dream car is an early to mid 90’s Prelude Si or VTEC, in white, black, or perhaps red. For cheap.

Lessee. I watched Con Air because it was on TV. Same goes for Van Wilder. Ryan Reynolds is hot.

Ah yes, Paul has some things on his site now. He is also not moving away, so yay for that.