February is the month that it is now what an exciting month February is.

I got a little bored (already!) with my current desk arrangement so I changed it to something that wasn’t so boring. I like it more, I think. I felt bad not using the Powerbook to its full potential before.

I also heard that Jay-Z song (see “music” for today) on an SNL rerun last week. It uses a CAKE song (Arco Arena from Comfort Eagle) as the background and that just made me not only buy this song, but import all of my CAKE cd’s into iTunes. 3,650 songs! I hope I can hold out for the next iPod and I don’t have to start selectively removing music. I have about a gig and a half left on it so I think we’re good there.

So Apple updated the Powerbooks again. I think there were some good changes, but nothing that made me jealous. I mean, sure, I could use another .5 Ghz in mine, and the trackpad thing is pretty clever. I like the motion sensor as well, and it makes sense to give the 15 and 17″ versions support for the 30″ display, since it seems like a lot of people use theirs for video editing. The only thing I didn’t agree with was the extra RAM, since you’re basically giving people one (in the 12″) or two (in the 15/17″) sticks they’ll have to displace right away anyway. But all in all, it was a worthy update and welcome for those who had their hands on their wallets for Powerbooks already. I don’t see myself in the market for another Powerbook for a long time – I foresee a G5 tower in my future, if anything.