It’s been about a year since the ol’ Xbox RRoD‘d on me, and while I’d like to think that issue has been taken care of once and for all, it was still “fixed” before the days of the more reliable (as far as I can tell) HDMI 360s so I’m wondering if it will resurface.

If it were to resurface, I have a sneaking suspicion that it will decide to do so on the morning of April 29th which would easily be the worst possible time. Given this, I have mentioned (only half-jokingly) that I have a requisite amount of dollars set aside for a replacement should the need arise.

However, this would result in two Xbox 360s, and technophilic as I may be, that’s just silly. And redundant. And unnecessary.

So instead, an emergency trip to Best Buy WalMart would be in order to procure a replacement of a different kind. I am terrified of this Plan B. I hope dearly that it doesn’t come to this.