Nope, no South by Southwest here. At this point for me to attend something like that seems like it would be a poor financial decision, what with the time I’d have to take off and the money I’d have to spend to get there. It’s not that I think it’s a bad idea; it’s just not something I’m ready for. Maybe someday.

But on a more positive note, I decided to get the torrents that PDF painstakingly analyzed and came away indifferent. Part of this is because to ask me to listen to 900 songs by anybody is a stretch. I listened to some and continue to experience them as they pop up on the iPod. It’s quite a variety, which is nice, and I haven’t run into any that are just awful. Except one.

The song They Cleaned My Cut Out With A Wire Brush by Happy Flowers makes me hurt inside just because of how incredibly bad it is. A brief synopsis: some kind of screaming; repeat the title; more screaming; then the title; band maybe falls apart at some point; then it’s over. You owe it to yourself to never, ever listen to this song. Ever.

On the other end, the song I was trying to think of today that I pretty much liked was Everyone’s A Winner by The Meligrove Band, which I’m not sure proves or disproves the “The + n” theory of good songs.