Although we didn’t plan it that way, we seemed to end up trying a lot of things yesterday. It started off with checking out a couple of open houses, something we like to do as we always seem to be passively looking. While Abe and his parents checked one out that didn’t particularly interest me, I made a phone call and 45 minutes later I was test-driving a 1986 Toyota Supra (for reference). While I don’t think I’ll be pursuing it any further, it was an interesting drive (I didn’t stall it!) and another make and model I can cross off my list.

Additionally, we stopped at Best Buy and I got to play around with a PSP for the first time ever. It’s… not very good. It might have been because I had just tried a DS and so I was coming off of a system with no load times. Overall though, I spend more time waiting around for the PSP to make up it’s fragile little mind and just gave up on it after awhile. The DS on the other hand… well, I’ve still been thinking about it. We took another jaunt over to ShopKo yesterday to see if they still had any of the red ones in stock, but nope, they were done.

But what’s sitting on the ottoman, you ask? Well, we stopped at the other ShopKo today, and jackpot. I know I’ve been fawning over the DS Lite and I still am; I think I may pick one up after they’re out for a bit and Abe will inherit this one. In the meantime I’ll continue to get my ass handed to me at Mario Kart while trying to find a copies of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Trauma Center: Under the Knife that don’t cost $50.

So what’s the significance of this photo, then? Well, our final demo of the day was at Younkers, looking at impulse furniture (“gee, it’d be nice to have a couch upstairs”). As of today, we have a couch upstairs and some nice ottomans from Target. Impulse furniture. Yeah…