Back when I was 8 or 9 years old, my parents got me one of the Game & Watch games from Nintendo. It followed along with those old Tiger games (or an LCD watch) where you could see the different parts and they just turned on and off as necessary.

Mario's Cement Factory

That means that Mario’s Cement Factory was my very first Nintendo game, ever. Anyway, 15+ years later I picked up a copy of Nintendo’s Game & Watch Gallery 4, which not coincidentally includes Mario’s Cement Factory in both original and remastered glory. The whole package is really quite nice, with both the original and “new” versions of all the games on there, and it’s a fun little time waster. Between that, Tetris Deluxe, and Dr. Mario, me and the GBA should be contentedly occupied all the way down to Chicago.

Mario's Cement Factory

I am also happy to report that Panther is a thing of the past, at least on my Powerbook. Tiger is installed and Spotlight is indexing the big boy (my FireWire drive) right now. It was a pleasantly uneventful update. I haven’t played much with Dashboard, though I did grab a system-monitor widget which works real nice.

I also downloaded an iPhoto companion called iPhoto Buddy, a free app that lets you break your iPhoto library into pieces (for example, I made one for 2006, 2005, and pre-2K5), something that will help my poor machine work a little faster.

Finally, a couple of site notes. Now that I finally am “with it” and have Safari 2, I get that wicked little RSS button in my address bar. The first thing I did was rip off some of PDF’s header code to make mine show the RSS button as well (and it works!). Now that I have that I can actually look at my feed and make sure I’m happy with it. Eventually. has been behaving rather sporadically lately as well. I can’t figure it out, but sometimes my site only shows 3 links and sometimes it shows the proper number (I think it’s set at 7 or 8 right now). I’ve seen this in Firefox and both versions of Safari, and on other computers that aren’t mine, so it’s got to be something with or something with Magpie RSS. Let me be clear though — I haven’t changed any code; this is completely random. Any thoughts?