First, it’s the verb, not the noun.

Anyway, we somehow continue to accumulate technology. This time it’s a(nother) Power Mac G3. I’m not entirely sure where it came from, but I do know that while it was originally going to continue to live on as a computer, it’s now just dead in the water thanks to a mysterious power-related issue and has donated its RAM to my other (identical) G3. I’m thinking of throwing the HD into the other G3 as well because it’s running – get this – OS 8.5. That boggles my mind; it’s just so old! If I had to guess I’d say that it probably hasn’t been updated since it started service.

Speaking of duplicates, pick up a copy of True Crime: New York City from Best Buy (they get it tomorrow) and get a copy of the original, True Crime: Streets of L.A., for just $5! I think I’ll maybe take advantage of that, ‘specially with my sweet coupon.