Tuesday brought me a present at work in the form of an Apple Mighty Mouse. Initially I was also getting hooked up with one of the new dual-core G5’s, but we encountered a booting issue. The intent was to just swap the HD from my dual 1.8 into the new machine, but on doing that it gave a rather bizarre interpretation of the Apple logo. After trying a number of things we got nowhere, so I’m back to my “old” machine for now.

After some research it seems the new dual-core Power Macs ship with a specialized version of Tiger. At work we’re still scattered between 10.3.5 and 10.3.9, so if this new hardware requires something specialized in the form of its OS, we’re plum screwed until we cross the bridge to Tiger in a couple months.

But back to the mouse. I tried one briefly at an Apple Store back when they were released and was generally pleased in the short period I’ve used it, so only now am I getting any real world experience with it. So far, it’s pretty good. It replaced a Logitech MX300 which I found simple but super-capable. It was a little different at first. I adjusted quickly to the new right-click mechanism but the scroll ball took a little longer to adapt to because of its size and feel. I could use this space to draw a comparison between the auxiliary buttons of each but since I don’t really make use of those (and couldn’t if I wanted to with the MM, since it needs Tiger) there’s no need.

It must have really settled in today because I found that as soon as I got home to my plain old Bluetooth Mouse, I found a number of times that I tried to scroll or right click with no success. So needless to say I’m looking forward to the impending Bluetooth version – it really can’t come soon enough.