A surprisingly clear picture from the phone that goes along with a recent lunchtime discussion about Wal-Mart lobsters.

But speaking of protection, the thought has been nagging at me for some time now that I really should back up my database somehow so if anything ever goes awry I can at least have a recent restore point. I found this one at Skippy.net, which gives you a plethora of options for saving – you can have your backups saved to your server, emailed to you, or just downloaded straight to your hard drive.

It gets even better. If you are too lazy (like me) to make yourself back stuff up with some regularity, install WP-Cron and it will email you a nightly backup. Plus, in addition to the standard WordPress tables, it’s also nice enough to let you remember anything else that might be in that database if you tell it to when setting it up. You know, like ShortStat junk.