So Operation : Cat Transplant occurred yesterday with almost zero hitches. We were unable to apprehend the mom, so after half an hour of looking and some heartfelt goodbyes the kittens were on their way to their new home. The coming weeks will be filled with more learning and exploration, with plenty of mousing practice I’m sure.

I’m listening to Keith Urban’s Be Here right now and actually liking it. This is the first country album I’ve ever, ever bought, but it’s one of those that totally blurs the genre line. It has its share of southern influence in the instruments that are used but at the same time I’m totally fine with banjos and the like being part of any kind of band as long as the music is good. The only thing that really defines it as country is the twang in his voice, which is interesting considering that he’s from Australia.

In more media-related occurences, we watched Constantine on Friday and Win A Date With Tad Hamilton last night; both were decently good but nothing I’d need to see again. And, after some hemming and hawing, I finally picked up Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I’m only about 4 or 5 chapters through it because I’ve not had much time to read since yesterday, but it’s good just like all the other ones are so I can’t wait to get further into it.