So I went to the grocery store last Monday to find that my debit card mysteriously didn’t work. It wasn’t until four days later that I realized that it was because it recently expired. It wouldn’t have been a huge deal except for my lack of a replacement card. So I called the bank, told them I never got one, and they are resending it. Except…

Then I got home and checked through my bank stuff and of course, there was the card, now defunct (thanks to the friendly bankerette). I have a problem with checking my bank statements – they just kind of automatically get filed away because I do all my bank-related stuff online. I’m not saying that this is not totally my fault, because it is. I think the bank just has a tendancy to throw me off because they mail the card in June and I don’t start looking for it until July.

The sad (in a pathetic way) thing is, this is the same thing that happened when I renewed the card last time (except that I actually thought to check the mail before my card expired.