We had the good fortune to see Wicked on Saturday night, and I’d highly recommend it to anyone in the Chicago area (=Wisconsin) or the cities in which the tour will be stopping. The version in Chicago just started its own run two weeks ago starring SNL veteran Ana Gasteyer who, unfortunately, was not in our performance. Instead, we got to see Kristy Cates reprising the role she played in both the Broadway version and the tour, so it was easily just as good if not better. Abe had some issues with the sound, but that seems to be the case at every show we go to and at some point you kind of just shrug it off.

Yesterday we took the opportunity to wander about downtown Chicago. It’s a very nice city and despite having been born in the area, I’d never really spent any time there. Expect more pictures soon.

I’m still in the midst of getting this new site totally functional, and because it’s WordPress and PHP, it’s taking me way longer to figure things out.

And I just remembered, we saw War of the Worlds on Friday night, and it is easily one of the best summer blockbuster movies, ever. Just really, really well done. I liked it.