For some time now, I’ve been a fan of Hondas. I’ll happily recommend any offering in their model line to anyone looking for car-buying advice. Chances are there’s a Honda that will fit your needs.

This makes it all that much harder when looking for a car. My Accord (a 1992 LX wagon) is aging rapidly but, being someone with high standards and a low budget, I’m having a heck of a time finding a replacement. I’m sure the updates will come frequently, as at some point I made the transition from casually looking to actively car-shopping.

Thing is, though I’ve looked at VW’s, Volvos, and other European fare, I’d feel bad deserting the Honda ship, as owning mine has been a really good experience. The immediate issue you’ll notice when shopping for used Hondas is that you’re practically guaranteed to get shafted when you buy one used. The only way to remedy this is to shaft the person who buys yours used.

Wish me luck!