There was this one time where I had this blog and I didn’t update it for like two weeks. Wait – that was now. Anyway, here I am with a list of fragmented thoughts:

  • scootering is fun, biking is almost as fun, especially with the weather finally getting nicer.
  • bought Kanye West’s the College Dropout and Jay-Z’s Black Album. Kanye’s is better.
  • also bought the Kill Bill vol . 1 soundtrack – also good.
  • also also bought Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Hitman 2: Silent Assassin. MGS2 is good, Hitman is hard.
  • still enjoying the Getaway and eagerly awaiting my reserved copy of Driv3r.
  • finally updated my blog with more meaningless blather nobody cares about.
  • thinking about a new phone (camera!) but there aren’t any good ones around here. Yet.
  • we gave the cat another bath the other day – he liked that a lot
  • I need to go rollerblading sometime.
  • it’s finally almost summer and I’m happy about that. I think