Andy Laub

Andy Laub is a designer & developer in the Twin Cities.

Tagged Soren

It’s May »

And that means warmer weather is all but upon us. That is a blatant lie, since it’s only 40 outside right now. Anyway, May May May. I did that reboot thing but I’m not sure I got a lot out of it. I suppose I’ll do it next year if for no other reason than to redesign the site again.

We saw Abe’s new nephew (Soren Joseph Gabor) on Saturday. He is about as cute as babies get. He is in that “wow, he’s so tiny” stage and not the “he is adorable” stage. Meaning that Abe is still physically unable to refer to him as a “he” and not an “it”.

Anyways, I don’t have much to gripe about (except the weather) which is pretty impressive for a Monday morning. That means I don’t have anywhere else to go with this so I may as well end it now before it goes downhill like it is right now.

I Promise! »

This will be the last time I mention Grand Theft Auto until the inevitable comparison to Driv3r in June. I decided to pick up the PSX GTA Collection since it was cheap and I thought it’d be good to have. I also finished both GTA 3 and Vice City. It is a nice feeling, owning Miami and all.

The weather was awesome today but that will all be over tomorrow. Big shock.
I picked up the Kill Bill DVD and the iTunes update today. The free weekly download idea is interesting, and the WMA conversion is clever.

And…Abe is an uncle as of this morning.