Andy Laub

Andy Laub is a designer & developer in the Twin Cities.

Tagged Powermac

Xmastime »

It’s officially time for the XMASLIST. Here goes:

  1. A car would be nice. Like this one. ($$$$$)
  2. Maybe an Xbox. And Halo. ($$)
  3. A G5. Loaded or not. + Cinema Display. ($$$ – $$$$)
  4. Clothes. Shirts, pants, I don’t care. Shoes too. ($$)
  5. Since it’s a wishlist, how about some local Cingular service? (-)
  6. And a decent phone. ($$)
  7. What’s a wish list without a TV? ($$$$)
  8. Drums! ($$$)
  9. Money ($$$$$)

Since the move earlier this year, we’ve acquired much of what we wanted. Abe made the excellent point that with most of the stuff we want, we just buy it. I need to stop doing that or start making more money.

Speaking of money, I’ve been sent a lot of fake credit cards as of late – you know, the ones that look real but say “YOUR NAME HERE.” Well, Discover sent one that’s almost not worthy. It’s made of cardboard, kind of to simulate plastic. That is really probably the most pathetic thing I’ve seen. It wasn’t even attached to anything, just floating around in the envelope.

Random 2 Weeks Update »

We replaced the rather large computer desk (like 6′ x 6′ in an L shape) with some 36 x 18 metal shelves from Le Target. It looks better, holds more, and takes up so much less space in the (formerly) cramped bedroom. In the picture you’ll not only see the shelves, but my lovely G3 and Abe’s Alienware, as well as an ancient Marantz receiver and some older Bose 201 speakers. It is a fantastic sounding system, with the only source being the G3.

I met yesterday with a really nice person from our local paper. They are apparently trying to put together a couple of magazines and are recruiting freelancers – it sounds like a fun side project so I hope I’m included.

I bought Franz Ferdinand after about a month of deliberation, and I am actually pretty pleased. I also imported a Von Zipper sampler that’s been sitting on my desk for who knows how long. 19 more songs until I hit 3000. I have been trying to wrap up Grand Theft Auto Vice City, and I am happy to say I like it again. Appearance is very different from Driv3r, but it is so much more fun. I can’t wait for the next installment.

A friend of ours has procured some kittens, and they are the cutest thing in the world. We went to check them out yesterday, and I was surprised because I’d forgotten how small kittens are. Also incredibly awkward, in an adorable way.

I only have $500 left to pay off on the moped!

We went to see my parents on Saturday and they ooh ‘d and ah ‘d about ABE’S NEW CAR. I must say that I like it an awful lot, too. Anyway, parents – it was strange walking around the house, because it seems so much smaller than when I lived there. I don’t know if it is because I was under their wing and it was comfortable at the time or because our place has 11-foot ceilings, or both.

The new Porsche 911 and I have come to a mutual understanding. I will no longer mourn (publicly) the loss of the Boxster headlights and it will maybe be mine someday. It is certainly a gorgeous car as evidenced by the desktop I now have at work.

I am back in a clothes-buying state of mind. I spent a bunch of money at AE, including for shoes. Their shoes have always been fantastic to me, and cheap as well. I also have serious intentions of buying many shirts at Express when we get there at the end of the month. I love their shirts.

Bored & Busy at the Same Time (v6.0) »

Well, here is the sixth iteration of my site, the second of LaubJournal, and the first created in Dreamweaver. Fun times. I’m happy to say that I have once again been blessed with G5 at work, this time a dual 1.8Ghz. I also have Studio MX 04 at work which is awesome.

Now for some sad news: not one, but two people in my department are leaving. My boss left to pursue another job opportunity locally. He was–well, he still is–a fantastic guy, and we had similar senses of humor and taste in television. I’ll miss seeing him at work and hopefully we’ll still have chances to hang out. The other person was in the same position I am, and he’s going to North Carolina, which kind of makes me jealous. I didn’t know him quite as well, but was getting to. It will suck for them to not be around.

Of course, that means more work for those of us left, but that is an exciting prospect in that I get more responsibility again. Anyway, done writing, time for dinner.

On Apple »


So, I guess part of this was inspired by an article on Penny Arcade. Since the beginning of my computing life, I’ve been a Windows user. While I agreed that Macs (iMac and on) were pretty to look at, I just never saw myself being able to switch.

Then I started designing.

At first, not much. I didn’t really dig the whole Mac thing. Consider that I was learning Photoshop on beige boxes running Mac software, and using a stylus. It sucked, and it was tedious. I interned after that, on a blue PowerMac G3. It had the little round mouse. It didn’t suck as much, and it was pretty. Then I transferred to a new college for more design stuff. It had G4’s, and some had the flat Apple displays. Again, very pretty. Really pretty. Crappy mice, still, but at least they were optical. Sometime in this whole process, I started telling myself that I’d get a Ti Powerbook G4 when I had the funds. Not because it was a Mac, but because (you guessed it) it was pretty and slick – pretty slick. Then I interned again. For a couple weeks, I was on the newest G4. Not as pretty but very fast. Then, Cheap Oakleys as the lowly intern, I was displaced back to what I believe to be the very same G3 when new people were hired. Neither fast, nor pretty anymore. Just old. By some miracle, I was given a (slightly newer) G4, which was a little prettier, and a little faster. Not perfect, but acceptable. Now, in the midst of all this, I talked to a lot of coworkers. Since it was a design department, you can bet that most of them were just flabbergasted that I was a PC owner. I felt a little out of place in that respect, since Apples are essentially the design standard. Then I was hired full-time. I continued to use my G4 in the back corner (space shortage) for a couple weeks.

Then in one magical day, I was handed both a real office and a G5. Yes, OS X. Pretty and fast and slick, one hundred times over. OS X. Amazing. The first day, there was quite a bit of me just staring at the screen, a little bit dazed. It was a big difference. Yesterday, I used a G4 running 9, and it was strange. I was a little dazed and I missed my big G5. Oh, somewhere in all of this, I started using a Logitech mouse, and that makes a huge difference. It is actually functional. And there’s all the other stuff, iTunes, iPods, Cinema Displays, high metal content, and so forth. And so I’ve decided it’s time to make good on that promise I made and become a Mac user. I’m looking at the new Powerbook G4 15″. And for the first time ever, I’m ready for one.


I like Apple’s computers. That’s no secret. The G4 Powerbook was the first one I fell in love with. It seemed to depart from Apple’s colorful blob designs of the early Powermacs, iBooks, and iMacs. It was slick, businesslike, and minimalist. Only now, with the new G5, has Apple’s product line come full circle. Colors have been done away with and the focus is, again, minimalist. I like the heavy (pardon the pun) use of metals on their higher end stuff, and the simple white on their more accessible models. They’ve taken the essentials and stripped off the colored plastics and racy vents and everything mundane and useless. I suppose a perfect example of this counter-Apple thinking would be Alienware. Not the initial models, which were basically your standare big computers, but have you seen the newest ones, with the alien-head design? It’s interesting, but which is going to be weird in a couple of years (and is weird now?), and which is going to be a classic? Now, looks have always been Apple’s department. But only recently, as I said before, have I really begun to enjoy using them as much as looking at them. The OS X interface is absolutely superb. I had heard good things about it but you really have to use it to believe it. And I mean in an everyday environment. So lately I’ve really begun to long for that at home. The attention to detail is wonderful. The faint lines in the menu bars that tie it all together, the drop shadows and the way the background windows go opaque, and the custimization options for the dock. All of this makes for a very pleasant environment. Overall (I’ve found that if I run out of things to say, “overall” is a good place to start), Apple presents a very appealing package. I’d like to point to an article that really emphasizes the quality of their products, and the general Apple experience.