Andy Laub

Andy Laub is a designer & developer in the Twin Cities.

Tagged IKEA


I went to the Twin Cities Friday. Then I came back. I bought pants. I bought a coat. I read that Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. We went to Olive Garden. We looked at Acuras. We bought curtains at IKEA. I have no Christmas shopping done.

It’s Almost Christmas »

Well, at least that is what someone I know likes to say. I’m not sure I really feel that way. Granted, it is relatively more almost Christmas than it was, say, a month ago, but I don’t think it warrants decorations or anything. As a matter of fact, Christmas decorations should be held off until 2 weeks before, if not completely banned. There’s nothing worse than Christmas lights still up in August. Well, OK, there are worse things, but it is still pretty bad. Anyway, we were in the Twin Cities last weekend for some good old-fashioned enjoyment.

We went to malls and IKEA and bought some things, nothing exciting (shirts!). I saw the Porsche 997 which really, really is gorgeous. Other cars of interest included (but were not limited to) a couple new Acuras (the 05 RSX, TSX, and TL), Volvo V50 (I sat in one, which I haven’t had a chance to do since the car show in February), the new Subarus (just got a chance to more closely examine them), and finally, in a parking lot for Toys R Us of all places, a Lotus Elise. I don’t know if I’m getting more excited about it than I should, but it’s the first one I’ve ever seen and it was totally unexpected. The Porsche was a pleasant suprise, but it was a fairly prestigious dealership so I probably would have been disappointed had they not had it. The Lotus, though, that is a nice little package. Which reminds me, we also looked at the MR2 Spyder, another nice little package, albeit less unique (and half the price).

You may have also noticed the new “music” category on the right. I signed up for the iTunes affiliate program to see what the deal is, so we’ll see what comes of it. I would highly recommend In The Shadows and Two Way Monologue (the song more than the album). And of course, Walkie Talkie Man is the song in the new iPod commercial.

Lord, won’t you buy me an Acura TSX?

Finale »

Well, this will be the last entry this year, which is kind of nice. I survived another year and put in at least one entry a month. My Christmas/Birthday was good, I got some great games (Mario Kart, Simpsons Hit & Run) and so did Abe (Mario Golf). We bought lots of IKEA stuff in leiu of buying Christmas presents for eachother. We also found out yesterday that the move-in date for the new apartment Cheap Oakleys will probably be towards the end of February as opposed to the beginning. It will be absolutely fantastic to be in a place twice the size of our current one. I can hardly wait. Also fantastic is the fact that MacWorld San Francisco is only a week away. I really hope the 12″ Powerbook gets some updates. I wish for a larger amount of non-removable base RAM (512 Mb would be nice) and maybe the 1.25 Ghz G4. Those two things alone would make me very happy. So, we’ll see.