Andy Laub

Andy Laub is a designer & developer in the Twin Cities.

Tagged G5

Bored & Busy at the Same Time (v6.0) »

Well, here is the sixth iteration of my site, the second of LaubJournal, and the first created in Dreamweaver. Fun times. I’m happy to say that I have once again been blessed with G5 at work, this time a dual 1.8Ghz. I also have Studio MX 04 at work which is awesome.

Now for some sad news: not one, but two people in my department are leaving. My boss left to pursue another job opportunity locally. He was–well, he still is–a fantastic guy, and we had similar senses of humor and taste in television. I’ll miss seeing him at work and hopefully we’ll still have chances to hang out. The other person was in the same position I am, and he’s going to North Carolina, which kind of makes me jealous. I didn’t know him quite as well, but was getting to. It will suck for them to not be around.

Of course, that means more work for those of us left, but that is an exciting prospect in that I get more responsibility again. Anyway, done writing, time for dinner.

More On Apple. Or Is it Moron, Apple. »

So the sky has fallen and Apple has finally updated their notebooks. This news is received by me with equal amounts of bitterness, apathy, and satisfaction:

Bitterness: it’s about damn time. This is the update that should’ve happened 4 months ago at MWSF. You can not tell me that Apple did not have the capability to put a 1.33 G4 in a 12″ Powerbook at that time, and it would’ve made a lot of people happy in a presentation where not much else happened (see 01/06/04).

Apathy: well, doing it now really makes no difference to me. I bought mine when I needed it, and the whole purpose was to have a completely functional (wireless) setup when we moved. That was a month and a half ago. I could not have waited this long for an update. I am still waiting for displays.

Satisfaction: at least they finally updated something. The year until this point has been fairly unexciting in terms of Apple products. They’re also doing the logical thing by making an Airport Extreme card standard fare. And everyone knows that the updates are just biding time for the G5 Powerbooks. Also, they didn’t become better-looking and they didn’t increase the RAM, which would’ve killed me.


  • I now own a car dealership and a porn studio in Vice City.
  • Within the past two weeks I saw Brother Bear, The Matrix : Revolutions, and some other movie. I’m pretty sure they were all OK.

Nothing Has Changed (30 Days) »

Well, I’m reaching entirely new plateaus of slacking in 2004. I have to say I’m quite proud of myself. I should be looking at scripting stuff right now, but I am lazy and it’s hard. I bought a pair of pretty pants today – just some adidas ones to wear around the house because the Nike ones I bought a couple years ago just aren’t very good and our store had a big sale. The Powerbook is happy after a brief font issue (a particular installed (corrupt?) font was preventing Safari from working at all), but I don’t honestly think it’s Ray Ban outlet enough to be my main system. I like it for now, but I’ve officially made the decision to buy a G5 in a year. That will give me time to recover my funds and I won’t feel like I’m spending way too much money at once. I am, however, going to buy a cinema display if it’s the last thing I do. And it very well may be, if Apple delays their updates (there’s talk of the casing being changed to aluminum-esque to match the G5 and Powerbook – I want that) for any longer. First there was nothing good at MWSF and now they’ve completely ignored the 20th Anniversary of the Mac. 2004 is shaping up to be a boring year, so far.

On a non-related subject we move in 30 days. I am more than a little excited. I can’t wait to be in a much, much larger place than we are now. I’d also really like to know what happened to my remote, because it’s not on my desk. It makes me sad because it does lots of important things, like tell me what CD is what in my very large CD player. I guess I am done now because the laptop is melting my lap top.

I’m kidding.