Andy Laub

Andy Laub is a designer & developer in the Twin Cities.

Tagged family

Magnums Are the New Escalade »

I think… I’ve seen a couple between Nelly in the Flap Your Wings video and Carmelo Anthony on Cribs. I guess it makes sense – it exudes that same sort of badassence that the Escalade did in a more compact package. And damn, they look good in black. Now that I think about it, G-Unit had one of them in one of their videos, or maybe just the 300C. That’s pretty cool. My mom still thinks they look like a hearse, though, but she also laughed when I told her I liked the Infiniti FX. Speaking of parents and cars, my dad is now the owner of a charcoal Honda Accord V6. I am so proud. One more thing: I predict that at some point in the near future, both Saturday Night by Ozomatli and Steriogram’s Walkie Talkie Man will hit the top of the iTunes chart due to their appearances in iPod commercials.

A Little Bit Confusing »

I have to ask, when did HP’s commercials get better than Apple’s? It must have been when they started using the plusses. I liked those – the ones where the pictures were put into a collage to make a scene etc, etc. But the new ones for the HP iPod are good too. Better, in my opinion, than Apple’s own. I think things started going downhill for Apple when they did that iMac tongue commercial – that was pretty dumb. And now the iPods are shipping in multicolored boxes? C’mon. I don’t need a bunch of pretty colors on the box for my monochromatic music player. HP can at least justify it by using photos on their boxes.

Speaking of that iPod thing, I remember way back when the hPod was announced – it was that bluish grey HP color. Now it’s… well, it’s white. Wow, it’s so different from the Apple version! I’d better go get one right away! The only change that I can recognize is the addition of the HP logo on the back.

Anyway, my dad and I went car shopping yesterday, and I’m trying not to get too excited, but it sounds like he’s leaning in the direction of the new Accord.

Biographies & Euthanization »

I figured, copycat that I am, that it would be good to have a biography, since it was never my intent nor is it my desire to remain completely anonymous.

Also, I received a call from my dad today, to let me know they are going to euthanize our oldest cat, CooCoo. Name notwithstanding, CooCoo was cat who was both loving and demanding. In her later years her caterwauling would fill the house – being deaf, she had no idea what was going on and this was her way of keeping in touch. She was my first cat ever, and probably the best, too. She lived an amazingly long and healthy life, to the age of 21.

This kind of thing starts me thinking about death in general, and I become very weighed down with all kind of emotions. At that point it’s best for me just to go distract myself with something else.

It’s May »

And that means warmer weather is all but upon us. That is a blatant lie, since it’s only 40 outside right now. Anyway, May May May. I did that reboot thing but I’m not sure I got a lot out of it. I suppose I’ll do it next year if for no other reason than to redesign the site again.

We saw Abe’s new nephew (Soren Joseph Gabor) on Saturday. He is about as cute as babies get. He is in that “wow, he’s so tiny” stage and not the “he is adorable” stage. Meaning that Abe is still physically unable to refer to him as a “he” and not an “it”.

Anyways, I don’t have much to gripe about (except the weather) which is pretty impressive for a Monday morning. That means I don’t have anywhere else to go with this so I may as well end it now before it goes downhill like it is right now.

I Promise! »

This will be the last time I mention Grand Theft Auto until the inevitable comparison to Driv3r in June. I decided to pick up the PSX GTA Collection since it was cheap and I thought it’d be good to have. I also finished both GTA 3 and Vice City. It is a nice feeling, owning Miami and all.

The weather was awesome today but that will all be over tomorrow. Big shock.
I picked up the Kill Bill DVD and the iTunes update today. The free weekly download idea is interesting, and the WMA conversion is clever.

And…Abe is an uncle as of this morning.

Door County, again… »

…was not bad at all. We went over there Friday night and got back about two hours ago. It was quite enjoyable, and even more crowded than last year. Aside from myself and cheap oakleys Abe and Abe’s parents, there was Abe’s brother and his fiancee, her mother and sister and husband and their son, his dad’s sister and aunt, brother, his wife, two of their daughters and a grandson, and, well, is that 17? I’m done now. Except that I bought a book, Meet Mr. Product. That’s good. Abe got some wood book.