Andy Laub

Andy Laub is a designer & developer in the Twin Cities.

Tagged Driver

Random 2 Weeks Update »

We replaced the rather large computer desk (like 6′ x 6′ in an L shape) with some 36 x 18 metal shelves from Le Target. It looks better, holds more, and takes up so much less space in the (formerly) cramped bedroom. In the picture you’ll not only see the shelves, but my lovely G3 and Abe’s Alienware, as well as an ancient Marantz receiver and some older Bose 201 speakers. It is a fantastic sounding system, with the only source being the G3.

I met yesterday with a really nice person from our local paper. They are apparently trying to put together a couple of magazines and are recruiting freelancers – it sounds like a fun side project so I hope I’m included.

I bought Franz Ferdinand after about a month of deliberation, and I am actually pretty pleased. I also imported a Von Zipper sampler that’s been sitting on my desk for who knows how long. 19 more songs until I hit 3000. I have been trying to wrap up Grand Theft Auto Vice City, and I am happy to say I like it again. Appearance is very different from Driv3r, but it is so much more fun. I can’t wait for the next installment.

A friend of ours has procured some kittens, and they are the cutest thing in the world. We went to check them out yesterday, and I was surprised because I’d forgotten how small kittens are. Also incredibly awkward, in an adorable way.

I only have $500 left to pay off on the moped!

We went to see my parents on Saturday and they ooh ‘d and ah ‘d about ABE’S NEW CAR. I must say that I like it an awful lot, too. Anyway, parents – it was strange walking around the house, because it seems so much smaller than when I lived there. I don’t know if it is because I was under their wing and it was comfortable at the time or because our place has 11-foot ceilings, or both.

The new Porsche 911 and I have come to a mutual understanding. I will no longer mourn (publicly) the loss of the Boxster headlights and it will maybe be mine someday. It is certainly a gorgeous car as evidenced by the desktop I now have at work.

I am back in a clothes-buying state of mind. I spent a bunch of money at AE, including for shoes. Their shoes have always been fantastic to me, and cheap as well. I also have serious intentions of buying many shirts at Express when we get there at the end of the month. I love their shirts.

Inevitable Comparisons & The Inter-net »

Um, well – I played GTA: Vice City today, to see how it was since I’ve been playing Driv3r for quite some time, and now I don’t know what to think. I really like Grand Theft Auto for its immersiveness (I know I’ve mentioned this prior) but Driv3r, in spite of its numerous glitches, is really a nice-looking game. Furthermore, the controls feel tighter compared than those of GTA. This is purely subjective, but I think Driv3r balances well between the looseness of GTA and the extreme tightness of The Getaway. It will take awhile to get used to again, but I think I can make the sacrifice for San Andreas.

Speaking of websites (who?) – here are some that I’ve recently been enamored with:;;;;;;;;;;; that’s it for now.

And so Adult Swim – what is going on here? This week Seth McFarlane (creator of Family Guy) is showing his four favorite episodes and personally introducing each. Fine – great idea. But so far, two of the three were on last week. Just venting.

Really (REALLY!) Bad Jokes & Good Games »

A coworker brought in Laffy Taffy this morning which resulted in a barrage of absolutely awful jokes flying back and forth via email:

Why were the baby strawberrys crying? Because their mom and dad were in a jam.

What did the baby horse say to the mean horse? Be kind to your neigh-bors!

Where can a monster always find friendship? In the dictionary.

What did the volcano say to the other volcano? I lava you.

How are a clergyman and a small blender alike? They’re both mini-stirs.

What do you get when you cross a chicken and a spaniel? Cockerdoodledoo.

Where do cows go to have fun? The moo-vies.

Why did the farmer feed the cow money? He wanted rich milk.

Great. So I also decided to pick up Sly Cooper and Max Payne over the weekend, which cost me a not unreasonable sum of $26. I am pleased with both – Payne because it is a Rockstar effort and therefore there’s no possible way not to like it, and Cooper because it’s a lighter side of stealth, which is really pretty fun. At this point I am more addicted to the latter because I tend to tear through platformers if I really enjoy them. Max Payne is, of course, a lot darker, which will keep me from moving through it too quickly. I also want to continue Driv3r and MGS2, which I haven’t touched for awhile. I was tempted by Ratchet & Clank at the game store so I foresee that one in the near future as well.

Motorcycles Are Awesome »

And Driv3r has a lot of them. It’s shaping up to be a decent game, although the combat is peppered with areas of frustration, stemming from the sheer randomness of some situations. For example, on your final mission in Miami, you’re required to “shoot your way through” a building with another person on your side. This other person, I swear, is absolutely insane. There were times he’d stay back and do what you’d want him to do (shoot bad guys), but every so often he’d rush ahead and get himself killed or he would shoot me. That’s about the most frustration I’ve experienced so far, barring some vague instructions that left me wondering what to do. All in all, I would recommend the game to anyone who’s into that kind of driving and shooting business, because I certainly am.

And speaking of motorcycles, I watched Mission Impossible 2 the other night. It was decent but I really just like it for the Triumph Speed Triple. In addition to that, and because I haven’t made a list in awhile, here are other good motorcycles:

These, with the exception of the Harley, of course, are all 600cc bikes. That means that not only are they cool to look at, they’re attainable (with the exception of the BMW) as well. I really am a big fan of both the Honda and the Triumph specifically, and those will probably be the two main contenders if I start to look at motorcycles over the next couple of years.

Well Yeah »

It’s hard to really qualify Driv3r at this point. I like the additional vehicles and the detail in the cities seems to be adequate. The problem – well, the main problem and the biggest difference between the Driver series and Grand Theft Auto is that Driver’s environments are very stark and artificial while GTA’s make you feel much more at home. Simple things are missing, most notably interaction with others. There’s not a lot of this in GTA but it makes you feel like part of the world. I also prefer the radio stations of GTA to the ambient music of Driver (and The Getaway), especially with the commercials.

I have yet to play the missions at this point, since I spent most of the night getting acclimated to the new surroundings, but Driv3r will shape up to be a decent time waster if nothing else.

D3lay3d »

So, I suppose you’d be expecting me to rant and/or rave about Driv3r. Unfortunately, I can’t. In spite of the call I got Sunday about the reservation arriving yesterday, it was not there. As it turns out, it got delayed in shipping. I am sad about this and a bit angry, but not enough to boycott GameStop. It is not their faults and they were nice enough to call me (after the fact) and let me know it was delayed, so at least they were trying. It was sad, but not a huge deal. As a result I finished the vigilante missions in the other game whose name I shall not mention. Man, the drama in my life is just insane, no?