Andy Laub

Andy Laub is a designer & developer in the Twin Cities.

Tagged Dreamweaver

Bored & Busy at the Same Time (v6.0) »

Well, here is the sixth iteration of my site, the second of LaubJournal, and the first created in Dreamweaver. Fun times. I’m happy to say that I have once again been blessed with G5 at work, this time a dual 1.8Ghz. I also have Studio MX 04 at work which is awesome.

Now for some sad news: not one, but two people in my department are leaving. My boss left to pursue another job opportunity locally. He was–well, he still is–a fantastic guy, and we had similar senses of humor and taste in television. I’ll miss seeing him at work and hopefully we’ll still have chances to hang out. The other person was in the same position I am, and he’s going to North Carolina, which kind of makes me jealous. I didn’t know him quite as well, but was getting to. It will suck for them to not be around.

Of course, that means more work for those of us left, but that is an exciting prospect in that I get more responsibility again. Anyway, done writing, time for dinner.

NO MORE DELAYS. (25 Days) »

I am only a little peeved. We were asked by our future landlord whether we could delay the move any longer. Our response, of course, was that we could not, because we had already delayed by probably about four months. Anyway, we’ve been waiting a real long time. There shouldn’t be too big of an issue, though. More of an annoyance, though, is the fact that we were told we’d be able to access the building wireless network. We Ray Ban outlet tested this today, from our (future) apartment, and were unable to do so. I guess we’ll see what develops. It’s a sad thing, but we have friends who will be living in the building also so we may build our own (faster) network if this doesn’t resolve. Either way, it’s not a huge deal, I suppose. It’d be great to not have the internet bill, because that money could subsequently be diverted to a better TV cable package. We have 13 channels right now and that’s kind of pathetic.

Still no updates from Apple. I don’t know what they’re waiting for, but I am pretty bored right now. We’re going to Chicago in two weeks so that will be pretty fun. Our department is also getting Macromedia Studio MX which will be fun fun cause I’ll finally start to learn Flash, and also Dreamweaver.