Andy Laub

Andy Laub is a designer & developer in the Twin Cities.

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Scratch »

This is my first post! To celebrate I took a picture of myself.

Here’s to the beginning of a fresh

Breaking Records Left & Right »

I was thinking “you know, I shouldn’t post today because I already posted two days in a row” but then I realized this is a blog and that’s what I’m supposed to be doing. My bike got to go out today. I went with it, which is even better. Today marked the 2nd time this year that the it actually got out, which is pretty pathetic, but at lease I’ve been doing other stuff. Yeah, exercise.

I’m at that point again where I want to do something with this site, so the next week or so I will be focused on absolutely not doing anything with it. It’s not really worth my time to go through and redo everything again if I’m not going to implement any kind of scripting, and I won’t be doing that unless I get some kind of change in hosting because I simply don’t have the space to do anything right now, and there’s no guaranee it will even work with my server.

Movin’ Out »

Actually, it’s not anything close to how it sounds. Well, kind of it is, maybe. We are off to Rhinelander this morning to visit Abe’s brother. I can just hear you now: “Rhinelander?!?!?!? I thought he lived in Minocqua?” Well it’s true. He did. Now he doesn’t–they don’t. So they’re in the process of moving and we are going to help since they extended us the courtesy last year. It will be a fun-ass time.

Abe was working last night so I went and rented Hellboy and The Punisher. I think I liked The Punisher more but that could just be because it was the first one I watched. They were both well-done and that’s pretty much the same thing I say about every movie, only because I pretty much only watch movies I like.

Speaking of Abe, if one was to look here they might see his name, and then that one, if they were smart, could figure out one of the other two sites I’m working on for the aforementioned here. Coherency is for fools.

I keep trying to remember to write about something and then I forget what it is so then I’m just screwed, I guess.

PS. From now on I will not be linking to the free Tuesday song in iTunes because I am lazy. Just assume I have it. Also, you are more than capable of finding it if you use iTMS, and if you don’t, then it really doesn’t matter anyway.

March. Madness. »

A mish-mash of things, if I can remember them:

  • New iPods. Lower prices are good. The gold iPod mini was ugly. I miss firewire, but more importantly, I miss docks. At the same time, I am much more comfortable with the idea of a $450 iPod Photo than a $600 iPod Photo. If I wasn’t holding out for the 5g, one would already be on the way.
  • I seem to be getting my mitts into more and more side projects. More on that, if any of them happen.
  • That new Porsche Cayman. Mmmmmm. The “new” Porsche Panarama. Ick.

Oh yes. The May 1 Reboot is coming up. I was thinking about just throwing up a new style sheet and calling it a day, but now I don’t think I’ll be doing it at all. If I was just launching this site at that time, perhaps, but for now I’m sticking with this and feeling good about it, and I’m not too into the thought of taking my site down for two or however many weeks.

That’s it. Most of the initial writing was to force myself to remember the previous paragraph.


I’m writing but nobody’s reading. Maybe that’s because v7 was on top-secret hiatus and this is being written on version 8.

Anyway, I couldn’t really wait much longer to write about the two major events of January. We’ll start with the North American International Auto Show. In all honesty I’d have to say some of the best and most in-depth, straightforward coverage of the event belonged to Autoblog, so check it out there. Otherwise, let’s break it down by geography.

America: Not a bad showing. GM was forgettable, but that could be because I didn’t look at it in the first place. Now that I think about it, they showed those Saturns which were ridiculously good. The inherent problem with me even considering a Saturn is that it’s a Saturn, and no matter how good they get, I still can’t see myself in one. Chrysler had that Jeep thing, and that was pretty cool. There was the Dodge Charger. Chrysler has possibly figured out the concept of brand-management? I mean, the Charger and 300C definitely share some blood but are different enough to be treated as their own separate entities. There was also the new Viper Coupe, which looks exactly like the old Viper GTS. Maybe they should’ve given it new taillights. Heck, it’s only an $80,000 car. Ford had the new Mustang ragtop which was overshadowed by the rehashed GR Shelby something which was in turn overshadowed by the ugliest car they could possibly think of. Great.

Europe: VW showed the new Jetta and Porsche showed the 911 Cabriolet and nobody was excited because we’ve seen both of them before (not that they’re bad cars). Audi had the Quattro “concept” in spite of there being nothing vaguely conceptual about it. BMW flaunted the M5 since it’s the only decent new car they have because its power overshadows its looks. Volkswagen also had the Ragster which I wanted to like but I just couldn’t get the roof proportions. It was said that the creased up body of the Ragster will find its way to the New Beetle line (can we just call it the Beetle now?) which is not at all a bad thing. I like the taillights. The Viper should have had those. M-B had the new M-Class and that was wholly uninspired (not a bad thing, I’m just saying) which apparently was to make up for the hot hot hot CLS55 AMG, a car for those who think the E55 is “boring.” Volvo is building a coupe. I hope it doesn’t resemble any of their prototypes, because those are horrible.

Asia: Honda showed the new Ridgeline which is almost tolerable outside but looks like a late-90’s Chevrolet pickup inside (this is NOT a good thing). I guess there was also an announcement of the new 06 Civic but there was no car to go with it. Suburu had the Tribeca which is interesting and a car that I look forward to seeing in real life. Mitsubishi had some ugly new cars. Toyota had a boring new car. Mazda had a Mazda Mazdaspeed Mazda6 which I’m sure was great once you stopped saying the name.

4 Years Old »

Is the age of the site as of today. It’s had almost as many visitors.

We watched Collateral last night, and I really enjoyed it. I wasn’t too excited about the ending, but there’s really no good ending to a situation like that. I also finished Half-Life (by cheating, of course). I really thought it was a neat game, but again, the ending just wasn’t too great. Once you leave the planet, you’d better have some really outstanding destination and Xen is not.

Happy birthday to me.

The DC (Fore) »

We are on are way to Door County this weekend. That sould be a nice time-killer. I don’t know that I am happy to be going because I feel there are other things I *should* be doing, but I’m not doing them.

I saw this Capitol Steps show last night. I was glad to see it but also glad I didn’t pay for it. It was OK and pretty clever, but the music was their words to other peoples’ songs instead of being original which was disappointing.

Oh yeah. I got rid of all my a class="two" tags and replaced them in the CSS with body a:link etc. Exciting stuff, I know.

Boredom & More New Games » has changed yet again. I think I am finally happy enough to leave it alone for awhile – I don’t think quarterly relaunches should be necessary. It ties in nicely with LaubJournal and for that, I am thankful.

I bought Ratchet & Clank awhile ago and while it took me awhile to get into, I can now say I like it very much. The same goes for Prince of Persia. It has a Max Payne-like quality to it in that the levels are relatively brief, which means that I’ll continue to play, saying, “OK, this is the last level then I’m done – wait, that next one doesn’t look too bad, I’ll do that one,” and so on and so forth.

I also recently procured a copy of The Spine. Very good album.

Biographies & Euthanization »

I figured, copycat that I am, that it would be good to have a biography, since it was never my intent nor is it my desire to remain completely anonymous.

Also, I received a call from my dad today, to let me know they are going to euthanize our oldest cat, CooCoo. Name notwithstanding, CooCoo was cat who was both loving and demanding. In her later years her caterwauling would fill the house – being deaf, she had no idea what was going on and this was her way of keeping in touch. She was my first cat ever, and probably the best, too. She lived an amazingly long and healthy life, to the age of 21.

This kind of thing starts me thinking about death in general, and I become very weighed down with all kind of emotions. At that point it’s best for me just to go distract myself with something else.

The Formal List & The Rhetorical Question »

I rely far too much on both. This blog is just not what I want it to be. Now that I have finally found a design that I like I really need to focus on improving the content. The entries should be statements, not questions as though I’m seeking affirmation for the way I feel about things. I wouldn’t mind hearing as such, but as of now I am done listing and asking unless there’s a very good reason for either.

Bored & Busy at the Same Time (v6.0) »

Well, here is the sixth iteration of my site, the second of LaubJournal, and the first created in Dreamweaver. Fun times. I’m happy to say that I have once again been blessed with G5 at work, this time a dual 1.8Ghz. I also have Studio MX 04 at work which is awesome.

Now for some sad news: not one, but two people in my department are leaving. My boss left to pursue another job opportunity locally. He was–well, he still is–a fantastic guy, and we had similar senses of humor and taste in television. I’ll miss seeing him at work and hopefully we’ll still have chances to hang out. The other person was in the same position I am, and he’s going to North Carolina, which kind of makes me jealous. I didn’t know him quite as well, but was getting to. It will suck for them to not be around.

Of course, that means more work for those of us left, but that is an exciting prospect in that I get more responsibility again. Anyway, done writing, time for dinner.

It’s May »

And that means warmer weather is all but upon us. That is a blatant lie, since it’s only 40 outside right now. Anyway, May May May. I did that reboot thing but I’m not sure I got a lot out of it. I suppose I’ll do it next year if for no other reason than to redesign the site again.

We saw Abe’s new nephew (Soren Joseph Gabor) on Saturday. He is about as cute as babies get. He is in that “wow, he’s so tiny” stage and not the “he is adorable” stage. Meaning that Abe is still physically unable to refer to him as a “he” and not an “it”.

Anyways, I don’t have much to gripe about (except the weather) which is pretty impressive for a Monday morning. That means I don’t have anywhere else to go with this so I may as well end it now before it goes downhill like it is right now.

I Know I Talk About It Way Too Much, But… »

…I am continually amazed by the Grand Theft Auto series. I was playing some GTA3 over the weekend and loved the numerous references that it shares with Vice City. Even better, one of the missions in GTA3 is to eliminate the main character from the Driver series, because they’ve found that he’s actually a cop. OK – I’m done now, but I think it’s genius.

Also, I guess I’m doing this. Here.

Overdoing It »

So, as I mentioned, we moved about a month ago. This is all fine and good, but presented a dilemma. On my other site, I still have my old address. I also still had the old version of this site. Logically, I would’ve just updated the two graphics. I think I thought that was a bad idea and did this instead. It’s new and improved.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye »

First, let it bee knownst that I have gotten a haire-cut from ye olde clipperse.

Secondelie, I have unearthed some of the ancient Scripts of Laub. AKA entries from December 2001, the very first entries ever.

That be alle.