Today marked PDF‘s last day at work. He’s moving on to bigger and better things. It’s honestly not a surprise but we’re still sad to see him go. Fortunately, when he becomes President of the West Coast I am guaranteed a job.

Something about his decision really resonated with me. I was sad that he was going but also envious that he was going someplace while I was not. Which made me really kind of step back from what I was doing and re-evaluate my plans for long-term employment. I figured I might as well update my Monster resume and then spent some time looking at potential jobs. Finding none, I called it a night.

The next day I found a message in my inbox from a small web-oriented design firm here in Wausau called Digital Dialogue. I had heard of them before and they’ve always struck me as a neat establishment. I met the next day with the owner and before long I’d done a sample project and an offer was made (and accepted).

So with that, within two weeks both Paul and I are bidding farewell to an employer that took both of us in fresh out of school and where we were able to gain a lot of experience with minimal risk. I’m certainly thankful for the opportunities I’ve had there and all the different projects I’ve been a part of, but Paul’s decision made me realize that I too was at the point where it was time for a change. Now it’s on to the next step in both of our careers.