I was working on a small freelance project today and came to the realization that when it comes to web junk, I tend to enjoy the coding more than the Photoshopping. This site is a prime example; it uses perhaps six images, 4 of which originated from the same .psd (the dots), which leaves the site’s design to form more out of content organization than just making a pretty picture and putting content inside of it.

That I work and feel this way really doesn’t surprise me much. I like to assemble things, but I don’t so much enjoy creating the components out of which those things are assembled. Maybe it’s because coding is really kind of is a menial task, and I don’t mean that in a bad way. I just mean that unlike with creating graphics, there’s a definite right and wrong way (for the most part) to code a site and you know when you are done. The only creativity really comes when deciding what kind of language to script things in, or how to eliminate one or two more classes from the CSS, which is nice. It’s easier making structural, necessary decisions than aesthetic and subjectively arbitrary ones.