So many things today, what should I write about? More new Apples? The ‘Just For You’ feature of the iTunes Music Store? My jam session with PDF aka Dirty Grooves?

How bout none of the above? Rather, I’d like to coin a phrase, and that phrase is: Inverse Voltron.

What at first sounds like two random words strung together will make more sense after an explanation. First you need to know what Voltron even is. Essentially it’s a giant robot made by combining 5 other robots. Voltron is but one example of this – see also the Transformers Constructicons’ Devastator: or, more recently, Power Rangers. The point, and maybe you see where this is going, is when you add all the parts together you get one ridiculously awesome whole.

So with that logic, an Inverse Voltron would be quite the opposite. Like a group of musicians who are great soloists but horrible together or, more to the point, a series of design elements or designs strong on their own but terrible when combined. Yes, now you’ve figured out where this is coming from. It’s rather frustrating to end up with two comps for a project and, rather than using one or the other, they want you to use the first comp but make it the color of the second. This isn’t always a disaster but in this particular case it was, resulting in a rather unsightly Inverse Voltron. But you know, they got what they asked for, even if their giant robot couldn’t save his own files, let alone the world.