Anyone with eyes will note that I’ve managed to pull yet another new refresh out of this site (looks familiar, eh). I swear to God, CSS is both a gift and a curse to someone as perpetually dissatisfied with their work as I am.

Literally the day after the last update I was already trying to figure out how it could be better. I’ve worked around the issue that resulted in the background shifting as the browser window narrowed by assigning a background to the wrapper instead of the body. This resulted in the problem of the background not extending the full length of the screen, but this new taller footer fixes it for all but the one-sentence slacker entries.

I mentioned before that I was considering moving to a different column structure. As much as I want to, I cannot do five columns. 1050 pixels is simply to wide for anyone who’s not me. The other natural option was 3 columns, but I don’t see that being a satisfactory solution at this point either. So for now I stick with four columns and hope that I don’t need to redesign again for another, say, 3 months.