Actually, I pretty much almost never wear them; they are confined to the glove compartment of my car. It was bright outside today, so I actually put them on. I had nearly forgotten how gorgeous things look through amber tinting.

I’ve also realized that despite the fact that we have two cats, I don’t say much about them. On both occasions, I was too busy to say much more than “we got a cat” and so it was left at that.

So let’s start with Maynard. He’s three point five years old and is 15 pounds of pure pretty-kittiness. He doesn’t purr much but he always looks content until you rile him up and he bites you. Then after that he is content again. He’s not into table scraps unless it’s tuna, and he yells at you when you take a shower. Then when that doesn’t work he splashes his paw in the water dish and gets it all over the floor. He’s also beneficial in that instead of owning a paper shredder, we can just throw a piece in front of him and it will be shredded in no time.

Bender is a different story. He’s much more into attention than Maynard and that could be because he was a stray where as Maynard was a surrender. He only has a stub of a tail but this doesn’t seem to affect him – he just keeps himself happy by attacking Maynard’s. He is particularly interesting in that he will pretty much lay down where ever. You could pick him up so he’s laying on your hands, and then put him on the bed, and he will not move. He sleeps in the bathroom sink. He’s also much more vocal than Maynard; not only with purring – he’ll randomly make noise to let you know that he’s still there and could you come find him please?

Together they are the best pair I’ve ever seen, as good as any pair from the same litter than I’m aware of. They can change from licking eachother to wrestling in a split second and the ruckus they create when chasing eachother down the stairs is tremendous. I think Maynard is especially happy to have a companion since we were gone daily for work and he had nothing else to do, and I’m glad we were able to adopt Bender because he is such a wonderful cat.