here are some things:

  • as abe mentioned, we are off to the big IKEA store tomorrow, so logically i was searching for a catalog at home tonight. because of the table issue mentioned, my copy is at abe’s parents’ house. he should have a copy, but he claimed he didn’t. i looked and looked, and where did i find one? yep, in a pile of papers and catalogs by abe’s desk. he then decided that those couldn’t be his. i proceeded to read of the contents of the pile: photos from his school; two Under Gear catalogs; a Crutchfield; International Male; and an envelope from the local Festival of the Arts, for which he is entertainment coordinator. not to mention that most of these had his name on them.
  • anyone have input as to who makes a good scanner?
  • there is a dog barking outside right now. it is annoying. now, i don’t hate dogs, but when one is barking consistantly at 11:59 PM CST, it can be a little annoying.
  • saw Panic Room today…very good, i was impressed and i recommend it. Jodie Foster was excellent.
  • that is all, i think. happy holiday, whatever it may be, and hope your March was good.