Such a concordance is also found in predicatories: man is tall (“man is great”) vs. chair is big (“chair is big”). (In some languages, such as German. B, this is not the case; only attribute modifiers show compliance.) However, I don`t see a significant difference in the second pair. “in agreement with” sounds a little strange to my ear, however, but that`s probably because I`ve never seen or heard anything that isn`t a document that is a prepositional phrase object “with the…” which is a part of “in agreement with”. Also note the concordance that is shown to be even in the subjunctive atmosphere. 4. My husband and I agree on most things. (Note: This means, “My husband and I agree on most things.) 2. A big dinner doesn`t really fit me. It makes it hard for me to sleep at night. In some situations, there are also similarities between names and their identifiers and their modifiers.

This is a common practice in languages like French and Spanish, where articles, determinants and adjectives (both attributive and predicative) correspond to the number of nouns that qualify them: these results correspond to our previous conclusions. A rare type of chord that phonologically copies parts of the head instead of corresponding to a grammatical category. [4] For example, in Bainouk: 2. Many people disagree with animal cruelty. Meaning 2: If a type of food or drink is not compatible with you, the word “agreement” means, when it relates to a grammatical rule, that the words used by an author must match in number and gender (if any). For more details on the two main types of chords, see the subject-verb chord and the pronoun agreement. We all agree that Mr. Ross should resign. Always say “I agree”, and then use one of the words you learned during this lesson – accept, accept/on, accept, accept, accept.

Do you want a current or future task to be checked by the writing center? If so, please visit the Writing Center website and make an appointment with us! Concordance usually involves the concordance of the value of a grammatical category between different elements of a sentence (or sometimes between sentences, as in some cases where a pronoun is needed to match its predecessor or speaker). Some categories that often trigger grammatical concordance are listed below. I have a question about “agree with” and “agree with”. Dictionaries think they are pretty much identical. But for these pairs of sentences, we actually all use in English – but in different situations. Thus, today you will learn 5 ways to use the verb agree correctly, with examples of sentences that show you the right way. Agreement is a transitive verb that requires active consent, not a passive state of conformity with. If it says “We have agreed” or “We agree”, it is an active consent a posteriori. Examples: 1. I don`t agree with the way he treats his wife. The very irregular verb to be is the only verb with more coherence than this one in the present tense. In English, this is not such a common feature, although there are some determinants that occur specifically in singular or plural nouns: if you agree on one plane, you decide to do something with others.

The Council agrees with government policy. Note that some of the above mentioned also change (in the singular) when the following word begins with a vowel: the and the will be l?, you and the de la will be of the?, ma will be my (as if the noun were masculine) and it becomes this. For example, in Standard English, we can say that I am or that he is, but not “I am” or “he is”. This is because the grammar of language requires that the verb and its subject correspond personally. The pronouns I and him are the first or third person respectively, as are the verb forms are and are. . . .