After seeing the Cheney in the VP debate, I realized two things:

  1. He kind of looks like a turtle – this isn’t helped by his complete lack of head movement during the entire event – he seems to be quite mumbly-grumbly.
  2. I don’t think Cheney likes Bush either. Think about it – if your boss was a complete maroon, how would you feel? Between Bush and Cheney, Cheney looks, acts, and speaks more like a president. If Cheney ran the country (I mean, he does, but officially) I think we’d all feel a little more comfortable because he doesn’t come off as a bumbling idiot every time he’s in public.

Would I vote for Cheney? Over Bush, sure. If my president is going to screw everything up, I want him to at least look like he knows what’s going on. That’s why I’m voting for Kerry.