First, an observation about Friends: in the beginning, the theme song fit, but now doesn’t seem to be very appropriate – I think it deals very much with people getting their lives together, whereas the cast now has their life together. Just a brief observation.

Second, I just got Sunny 16 from iTunes, and I have yet to get past the first song. I think I like it but we’ll see whether it can compare to Speed Graphic.

Looking back at that paragraph I’m convinced that nobody will know what I’m talking about. Constantly on my mind as of late is the PowerBook. I am trying to figure out what to do – and I have a feeling that, while I originally was planning to buy it in December, I will be waiting now until January since there is word that upgrades are afoot. I am also really anxious to see what future awaits the Cinema Display. Now I’m done with that paragraph – time to move on.

On to VW commercials. The new one has a guy with uneven feet and blah blah blah. At the end though, there’s always the car shot. You know, the one that has the car in a sort of serene setting (a bowling alley, which is about as serene as a bowling alley can be). It’s parked the way normal cars don’t park, as though it’s on display. I find that interesting.
OK! Now I am seriously done.